Head : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (coins of visions)
Body : 10/10 Seal , 9/9 Coins (Card of Ardor)
Hands: 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (Stone of Wieldance)
Legs : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (jewel of balance)
Feet : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (card of voyage)
Neck: O
Back: O
Earring: O
Head : 1/8 Seal , 0/6 Coins (stone of vision)
Body : 9/10 Seal , 9/9 Coins
Hands 2/8 Seal , 0/6 Coins
Legs : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (stone of balance)
Feet : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (stone of voyage)
Ammo: X
Neck: X
Earring: X
Earring: O
Waist: O
Neck: O
Head : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (stone of vision)
Body : 10/10 Seal , 9/9 Coins
Hands : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins
Legs : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (coins of balance)
Feet : 8/8 Seal , 6/6 Coins (jewel of voyage)